Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Links to Bob Garlick Content

Please visit these links for a ton of content buy Bob Garlick

Business Book Talk 

These podcasts are based around casual chats about business books. The podcast’s main purpose is to let business people get an idea of what each book is about and whether a book is a good fit for them. Check out a podcast today and see if you will be motivated to grab a book from your office library or get one from your favorite book store and enjoy learning something new this week!

Crazy TV Talk 
We plan to chronicle the television journeys of co-hosts Bob and J-Dean as they navigate the nooks and crannies of cult TV history and explore some of today’s biggest hits and yesterday’s most memorable series. They will marathon shows on their own time and touch base once a week to compare notes in a high energy, no-holds-barred nerd gabfest. Bob and J-Dean will try to turn each other on to new shows, and will attempt to check shows off of their respective TV bucket lists.

The Bunker Show 

The first show had Bob and Andrew setting up the back room at the Bunker Bar. The show shares the room with several DJs sound equipment, posters and props. The tables and chairs are crammed into a corner and fight for space with an old bike, boxes of wires and other bar and hotel paraphernalia.“It’s all part of the charm” Bob says, around a mouthful of his favorite Black Beer. “I get to the bunker back room around 6pm each show day and start putting up posters and moving furniture, boxes and equipment around to set up the studio” says Bob.

Bob Garlick Photography 

I feel it’s more than capturing images to help remember the past. It’s  a new way of thinking and looking. If you embrace photography as a lifestyle you will get much more pleasure out of your day. Now when you look at a garden or a street scene you will see light and shadow. You will be able to appreciate texture and color hue. In short you will be much more aware of your surroundings and live a fuller life because of it.

Garlick Marketing 

This is how Bob makes money to make and give away all sorts of free content. Support him by using or introducing him to potential clients! Check out the blog for a lot of great tips on social media.

Garlicky By Design 

Bob's old blog that still have a ton of amazing content that will entertain you for hours.

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